So Here is a log, not too detailed of the water-cooled Rampage 3 / i7-980x Rig.
Board Shot
From Watercooling Rampage 3 Extreme |
From Watercooling Rampage 3 Extreme |
The parts list is:
Here is a partial shot of the components, Minus that sound card, I'm actually using the Asus Xonar Essence ST.
Here is a shot of the modding on the case:
I started off by removing the heat sink on the Rampage III and, and removing whatever Gunk Asus puts on there, and adding some Arctic Silver 5. I kept the Thermal padding for the MOSFET as is. At the time of this build there was no release of a full Board Waterblock, so I planned to cool the NB with Swiftech's MCW-NBMAX.
Cleaned up the Heatsink:
Added the A/S-5
This Shot is actually how the NB H/S came from Asus: Not Bad... if I were using it.
After some cleaning:
I then Made sure the CPUand NB block were nice and SHINY
After all leak tests, I
Added my RocketRAID 640 and 4 WD Black SATA 6Gb/s HD's in RAID 10 =)
Here is a shot after Everything was together: except the memory:
Added memory and Memory Fan:
And thats it!
Benchmarks to follow soon.
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