Friday, May 28, 2010

Fittings used to create metal transfer bridge between the MB block and CPU block.

In response to a question,
Tthe fittings used to transfer between the EK-FB RE3 Mobo Full Block  to Swiftech ApogeeXT Ultra CPU Waterblock are here  I didn't include the 2 Bitspower black sparkle 90degree rotaries, since they seem pretty obvious but just in case..I mentioned it anyway.:


  1. Do you know if there is an aftermarket full board heatsink for Rampage III for air cooling? I don't really want to do the waterblock just yet, but I would like to replace it with something more substantial.

  2. Cool. I could of swore that the WB's taps was BSPT and not NPSM though, guess it must of been hidden somewhere, unless you retaped it.

  3. You know, I think they are BSPT,,but NPSM works, and it's what they had available at when I purchased them. I the most important thing is that there is a difference in height vs the Asus heatsink, the EK block sits lower.

    And athletex2, there is no full board aftermarket heatsink that I know of for active or air cooling on this board. The Asus RE3 heatsink is really well built though so I wouldn't really change it for air cooling, just get more fans, better fans, etc... If it helps, it also includes an active NB heatsink (has a small fan on it) that can be powered via the motherboard. I can post up a pic of the heatsink if you'd like.

  4. Very true, NPSM will work in BSPT if only about 3 threads are catching any more than that it's going to scream and cry at you to retap, or it will just cut it's own threads with a pair of pliers, :)
